All foot worship clips tagged with "padrona italiana"

21020 - IL RONZINO ---------------- THE HORSE

Oggi il mio schiavo avrà un piccolo assaggio di come dovrebbe comportarsi un cavallo, un po' di pony play per addestrarlo in tutti i tipi di giochi, per questa occasione ho vestito un paio di leggings di pelle, stivali con tacco alto e un cappello da cowboy, lui' Assaggerò la mia frusta se non obbedisce... (video in italiano) -------------------------------------------Today my slave will have a baby taste of how a horse must behave, a little pony play to train it in all kinds of games, for this occasion I dressed in a pair of leather leggings, high heeled boots and a cowboy hat, it will taste my whip if it does not obey ...



Sono la BOSS di un azienda che produce lavatrici, per me lavora un segretario che si occupa della grafica degli opuscoli, oggi lo chiamo per **i vedere il lavoro che avevo incaricato, degli opuscoli pubblicitari e indovina un pò... ha fatto molti errori, certo lui pensa sempre ai piedi e i tacchi per questo sul lavoro è un inutile idiota, ha bisogno davvero di una lezione, comincio a prenderlo a schaffi con questo opuscolo, lui cerca di scusarsi ma io non ho pietà, quando si sbaglia do delle punizioni e sono certa che una bella tirata di orecchie come si faceva a scuola può essere utile per fargli capire la gravità di quello che ha fatto, il coglione del mio segretario però noto che non fa altro che guardare le mie scarpe con il tacco di acciaio. . . ah si? allora leccami le scarpe e datti da fare con un bel massaggio ai piedi mentre me li annusi avvolti da calze di nylon . . .ma che idiota che sei quando hai i piedi davanti a te non capisci più niente, oltre a questo però ti abbasserò lo stipendio, vediamo se impari la lezione (video in italiano) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am the BOSS of a company that produces washing machines, a secretary works for me who takes care of the graphics of the brochures, today I call him to show me the work I had commissioned, the advertising brochures and guess what ... he made many mistakes, of course he always thinks about his feet and heels for this at work he is a useless idiot, he really needs a lesson, I start taking him to schaffi with this booklet, he tries to apologize but I have no mercy, when he is wrong I give punishments and I am sure that a good pull of the ears like they did at school can be useful to make him understand the seriousness of what he did, but my secretary's jerk I notice that he does nothing but look at my shoes with the steel heel. . . Oh yes? So lick my shoes and get busy with a nice foot massage while you sniff them wrapped in nylons. . .but what an idiot you are when you have your feet in front of you you no longer understand anything, besides that, however, I will lower your salary, let's see if you learn the lesson (speaking italian)



- I am the BOSS of a company that produces washing machines, a secretary works for me who takes care of the graphics of the brochures, today I call him to show me the work I had commissioned, the advertising brochures and guess what ... he made many mistakes, of course he always thinks about his feet and heels for this at work he is a useless idiot, he really needs a lesson, I start taking him to schaffi with this booklet, he tries to apologize but I have no mercy, when he is wrong I give punishments and I am sure that a good pull of the ears like they did at school can be useful to make him understand the seriousness of what he did, but my secretary's jerk I notice that he does nothing but look at my shoes with the steel heel. . . Oh yes? So lick my shoes and get busy with a nice foot massage while you sniff them wrapped in nylons. . .but what an idiot you are when you have your feet in front of you you no longer understand anything, besides that, however, I will lower your salary, let's see if you learn the lesson (speaking italian)



I am the BOSS of a company that produces washing machines, a secretary works for me who takes care of the graphics of the brochures, today I call him to show me the work I had commissioned, the advertising brochures and guess what ... he made many mistakes, of course he always thinks about his feet and heels for this at work he is a useless idiot, he really needs a lesson, I start taking him to schaffi with this booklet, he tries to apologize but I have no mercy, when he is wrong I give punishments and I am sure that a good pull of the ears like they did at school can be useful to make him understand the seriousness of what he did, but my secretary's jerk I notice that he does nothing but look at my shoes with the steel heel. . . Oh yes? So lick my shoes and get busy with a nice foot massage while you sniff them wrapped in nylons. . .but what an idiot you are when you have your feet in front of you you no longer understand anything, besides that, however, I will lower your salary, let's see if you learn the lesson